
Barbie バービー Collector Dynasty Krystle Doll ドール

Barbie バービー Collector Dynasty Krystle Doll ドール

【商品名】Barbie バービー Collector Dynasty Krystle Doll ドール【カテゴリー】おもちゃ:人形・ドール【商品説明】Barbie Collector Dynasty Krystle Doll: Based on the 1980’s television drama Dynasty. The hottest trends from the '80s are back in a big way in the Newly Nostalgic series. Featured in the '80s drama, Dynasty is the deliciously delightful and beautiful Krystle character played by Linda Evans now depicted as Krystle Barbie doll. She is dressed in her signature white-sheath gown with bold shoulder pads, and of course, her trademark feathered ash-blond hair and glamorous jewelry.?Inspired by the 80?s television series, Dynasty ?Krystle Doll is based on character portrayed by Linda Evans ?She is dressed in her signature white-sheath gown with bold shoulder pads ?Also features her trademark feathered ash-blond hair ?Perfect addition to your Barbie Newly Nostalgic Series 

ショップ ワールドセレクトショップ
税込価格 17,820円

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